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Farm Animal Sanctuaries in the Bay Area/North CA Fund

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$9,846.33 raised of $5,000.00 goal

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A list of farm animal sanctuaries that are always in need of support to care for their rescued animals and educational programs. Be kind to every kind.

Your Donation Supports

Animal Place

Animal Place transforms dollars and cents into food, bedding, and medical care to nearly 400 rescued cows, goats, sheep, pigs, chickens, turkeys, and bunnies. Located on 600-acres in northern California, Animal Place rescues farmed animals, provides sanctuary, and inspires the public to consider kinder food choices. Animal Place also operates a 12-acre Rescue & Adoption Center (RAC), home to adoptable hens rescued from the egg industry.

Charlie's Acres

Charlie's Acres is a sanctuary in Sonoma County that rescues farm animals who were abused or destined for slaughterhouses. The mission of the sanctuary is to educate people on the humane treatment of animals and plant-based food options through education and outreach.​

Harvest Home Animal SAnctuary

Our mission is to provide life-long care for rescued farm and domestic animals, and to educate the public about humane animal care and practices.

Jameson Animal Rescue Ranch

Guided by the connection among animals, humans and the environment, we seek to improve animal welfare through global collaboration and education for the benefit of all life.

One Living Sanctuary

One Living Sanctuary is creating a community wherein all life is treated with compassion and respect.

Performing Animal Welfare Society


Rancho Compasion

Rancho Compasion's mission is to provide a loving, lifelong home for rescued farm animals, and to change public perception about animals typically viewed as food. Our Sanctuary promotes a compassionate and sustainable lifestyle for animals, our planet and our health.

Sweet Farm Foundation

Sweet Farm is the first 501(c)(3) non-profit sanctuary in the world to address the global climate impacts of factory farming across animals, the plants, and the planet. Our food web is incredibly complicated and it’s impossible to move forward without first understanding how these pieces are connected. By linking climate education, regenerative agriculture, farm-animal rescue, and the technology that is sustainably disrupting food and agriculture production — Sweet Farm is redefining what it means to be a sanctuary. Welcome to our Climate Sanctuary.

Goatlandia Farm Animal Sanctuary and Education Center

- rescue farm animals and create a safe, loving home for them- inspire love and appreciation for animals by providing an opportunity for people to meet and interact with the animals- promote and inspire an eco-vegan lifestyle as a way to heal the planet, our bodies, our conscience and our communities - be a place for people to experience compassion, have fun and do cool things together

Preetirang Sanctuary

PreetiRang Sanctuary was created to provide a peaceful, anxiety free home for animals who are traditionally treated only as economic commodities. At PreetiRang, these animals are valued as individuals with unique personalities, wants and needs.

Farm Animal Sanctuaries in the Bay Area/North CA Fund

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