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Boxers #HackFosterCare Together Fund


On any given day in the US, there are 450,000 youth in foster care and every year roughly 26,000 age out of the system, of which 20% will become instantly homeless, 3% will get degrees and 50% will be unemployed. There is a growing movement to #HackFosterCare that will change these statistics and better support foster youth on their journey. Our partner Think of Us is leading this movement by creating a life coaching platform and Box powered "Digital Locker" that helps young people build their own personal advisory boards and manage key life documents (academic, medical, financial, residential, etc) that will make transition out of the system smoother. They have a waiting list of counties ready to invest in their platform (including Santa Clara County!), but they're under intense pressure to raise short-term funding. It's incredibly hard to be a nonprofit tech start-up --- that's where we come in! Our first goal is to have Boxers, and BoxWorks attendees raise at least $50K! Think of Us (and a funding campaign with BoxWorks attendees) will be featured during Jeetu's BoxWorks keynote, but we wanted Boxers to be able to jump on board early! We'll announce some matching funding between now and BoxWorks that's sure to fuel the fire.

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Boxers #HackFosterCare Together Fund

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