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Cisco Education Fund


Cisco partners with organizations to improve access to quality education for students worldwide using the combined power of network technology and human collaboration. When you contribute to this fund, you'll be investing in proven solutions with significant impact on students. Note on Tax Deductibility: This fund may include organizations based in the US, and in other countries. US employees who make a credit card donation will receive a receipt for tax deductibility for the portion of the donation contributed to US organizations. Employees outside the US will not be able to receive a receipt for tax deductibility for credit card donations to organizations in this fund.

Your Donation Supports

For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology (FIRST)

Our mission is to inspire young people to be science and technology leaders by engaging them in exciting mentor-based programs that build science, engineering and technology skills, that inspire innovation, and that foster well-rounded life capabilities including self-confidence, communication, and leadership.

Stichting War Child

We believe no child should be part of war. Ever. We are War Child We are the small ones that dare to dream big. War Child has a dream that every child lives in peace. We believe that no child should be part of war. Ever. And we are daring enough to believe dreams can come true. We know that war has a power that can make or break you. War doesn’t have to be the only thing defining you or the next generations. We dream that the need for War Child won’t exist anymore. Yet, as long as there is war, there will be a need for War Child to help. Supporting children to keep their hope in the darkest moments of their lives. Inspiring them to remember their joy, happiness, and freedom. We may never be able to take away all the pain that comes with war. But we can create space, where children heal. We believe in the power of listening, empathy and consolation to save children’s lives We believe in conversation and learning. In music and play. In giving hope. But we don’t believe in anything blindly. We test our beliefs and practices rigorously. Putting into action what works. We know that even if we can get the child out of the war, it takes daily acts of heroism to take the war out of the child. Truth is, there are many more children in need than War Child alone can support. We know that we can’t do this on our own. Our deep desire is to share our passion, knowledge and actions. And to do this right, we need each other. Because no child should be part of war. Ever. Our dream is that all children can live the life they want. Free to play. Free to grow. Free to be.

Cisco Education Fund

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