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Jews @ Braze - Stand Against Jewish Hate Fund


In the past two weeks, we’ve seen a tremendous rise in anti-Semitism around the world. There have been numerous incidents of violence in NYC, California, London, and globally. Even within our own employee community, we’ve received reports of vandalism and hate speech inflicting fear and terror upon us and our loved ones. We cannot allow this kind of hate to continue, and must act to support this community, as Braze often stands with many other communities that experience hatred and discrimination. The Jews @ Braze ERG (#jab-erg) has been active for numerous years in support of Jewish life around the world. This violence against Jews cannot go unseen. No one should be targeted for their religious beliefs or cultural identity, or should be uncomfortable leaving their homes or loved ones. Please join us in supporting these causes to combat hate against Jews around the globe.
Jews @ Braze - Stand Against Jewish Hate Fund

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