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Kimmy Chic Intergrated Academy Kenya Africa Fund

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$0.00 raised of $50,000.00 goal

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THE KIMMY CHIC INTERGRATED ACADEMY MOMBASA KENYA. FOR WHOM IT MAY APPEAR DEAR SIR/MADAM. Raising $50,000 USD is my objective to assist me build school lab, classrooms, restrooms, buy water tanks, build administration blocks and buy educational materials. Both the school and the kids will undoubtedly benefit from your kind support. I am responsible for a certain number of orphaned childre n who cannot afford to buy uniforms or pay for their education. Children in Africa and beyond should have access to high-quality education, which is why my mission is to academically empower them. Your contribution will assist me in completing the assignment. Thank you in advance for your contribution.The extent to which I appreciate your support is beyond comprehension. Once again, thank you Sincerely, School Director Josephiine Ndune +254 723-27-4935
Kimmy Chic Intergrated Academy Kenya Africa Fund

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