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Protecting Democracy Fund


In the face of unprecedented threats to American democracy -- punctuated by the attack on the Capital on January 6, 2021 -- these organizations are, each in their own way, working to protect the core dimensions of democratic self-government in the United States.

Your Donation Supports

Bipartisan Policy Center Inc

OUR MISSION: Build connections. Negotiate policy. Achieve bipartisan solutions. Improve lives.The Bipartisan Policy Center is a not-for-profit organization that ensures policymakers work across party lines to craft bipartisan solutions. By bringing together Republicans and Democrats—and providing them with the space, policy insights, and evidence-based research they need to negotiate in good faith—we help turn legislators’ best ideas into passable, durable laws. Since 2007, the we have helped shepherd countless bills across the finish line.

Protect Democracy Project

The Protect Democracy Project is a nonpartisan nonprofit dedicated to preventing American Democracy from declining into a more authoritarian form of government.

Campaign Legal Center Inc

The nonpartisan Campaign Legal Center advances democracy through law at the federal, state and local levels, fighting for every American’s right to a responsive government and a fair opportunity to participate in and affect the democratic process.

Common Cause Education Fund

The Common Cause Education Fund (CCEF) is a nonpartisan organization dedicated to restoring the core values of American democracy, reinventing an open, honest, and accountable government that serves the public interest, and empowering ordinary people to make their voices heard in the political process. CCEF employs research, outreach, educational programming, and coalition building to increase public understanding of how our democracy works, empower citizens to hold their government accountable, and promote broad and effective citizen engagement at federal, state, and local levels.

Protecting Democracy Fund

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