Funds in Children & Youth

Music For All - Inclusion of Children and Adults with Disabilities Through Music Fund
0 nonprofits
Music For All - Inclusion of Children and Adults with Disabilities Through Music Fund
For the purchase of 2 specially-developed Arcana instruments - for inclusion of children and adults with various disabilities through music. The creator of the instrument aimed precisely at the development of such a product, which would meet the possibilities of people with specific needs to make music, play, and have fun. We would like to implement the 2 Arcana instruments in our day care and therapy centers (one in Sofia and one in Ruse), where we work with over 150 children and youth with disabilities and mental sufferings (including autism and autistic spectrum). Our main goal is to upgrade our work by giving them new opportunities for expression, creativity, to develop their potential, and at the same time to be used for therapeutic work - calming, concentration, crisis management. The instrument is easy to use, designed for inclusion, adaptable and versatile, easy to teach, easy to learn and play, suitable for all ages, skills, and abilities. The main customers include - Daycare centers, Rehabilitation centers, occupational therapists, special-needs schools, elderly homes hospitals, etc. Through your support, we can be one of the first organizations that will implement in their work this specialized Arcana instrument for making music by children and young people with disabilities and mental sufferings in Bulgaria. Financial goal: 4000 USD (2000 USD per each instrument) About us: Child and Space Association is an organization with 19-year history. We currently manage 9 social services for children and elders with disabilities and mental sufferings in two municipalities - Sofia and Ruse. In 2022, we supported 217 children and young people with disabilities/mental sufferings and their parents/caregivers: 24 hours care of 35 children and young people abandoned from their parents in 4 small group homes, within our three Day care centers we provided day care and specialized therapeutic support to 97 children and young people with disabilities/mental sufferings, and in the centers for social rehabilitation and integration we supported 91 children and their parents. The main activities of the Association aim to provide support and hope to children at risk and to children and youth with specific needs and their families. We strive to improve living conditions and relationships in society so that every child can realize his rights. Through complex services and an individual approach, we create for these children and young people a space for creativity and expression, for their families - an environment for support, sharing and growth, and for specialists who work with children - opportunities for exchanging experience, for cooperation and building of professional capacity.
Children Mining Cobalt Prevention Fund- Help End Modern Slavery
1 nonprofit
Children Mining Cobalt Prevention Fund- Help End Modern Slavery
The Democratic Republic of the Congo, where the world’s largest known reservoirs of this metal are found, provides a substantial amount of the cobalt the world needs to meet its growing demand. Cobalt is a critical component in rechargeable car batteries and is indispensable for the transition from fossil fuels to sustainable energy sources. Despite the Commission's zero‑tolerance approach to child labor in trade agreements, it is estimated, according to reports by UN agencies, that in the southern Katanga province, more than 40 000 children are working in hazardous conditions in cobalt mines, with inadequate safety equipment and for very little money. It is estimated that 20% of the mines in the DRC are small-scale and use mostly child workers. These children, aged between 3 and 17, have to work in appalling and dangerous conditions, usually barefoot. According to the International Labour Organisation “child labour unifies all the activities which deprive children of their childhood, potential and dignity, along with harming their schooling and physical and mental development. We have created this fund to increase the effectiveness and protection of economic, social and cultural rights of local communities and traditional miners in relation to the exploitation of mineral resources, in the DRC. This will be achieved through a legal reform, the popularization of legal texts, awareness raising of local community leaders, of the judiciary and mine administration officials on their rights and obligations; in support of mining diggers rights and the monitoring of human rights related to the exploitation of natural resources. SOLIDARIEDADE NA MOKILI, a 501 (C) (3) nonprofit organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible. EIN:82-4685492. Spread your random acts of kindness. Double your impact by inspiring others. Feel good, pass it on. Reminder: Employees submit match requests for monetary donations Join in supporting the fund , They’re counting on us, and we’re counting on you—so don’t wait. Your contributions — no matter how big or small — make an impact.