All Community created Funds

Castration-Mobile-Vehicle Projekt by Prodog Romania e.V. Fund
0 nonprofits
Castration-Mobile-Vehicle Projekt by Prodog Romania e.V. Fund
Welcome to ProDogRomania! We are a non-profit association and would like to inform you about our animal welfare work in Romania. The association was founded in order to represent and promote the idea of animal welfare beyond the borders of Germany in Europe and especially to fight against the misery of dogs in Romania. In a country like Romania, where animal welfare is still in its infancy or even non-existent, we have set ourselves the goal of counteracting these abuses. Helping to help themselves is our first priority! We have been planning it for a long time... Until now there has never been the opportunity... A realisation was not possible... and now finally, together with the PDR Team Baile and the veterinary team from Timisoara, we will be able to realise the dream of a "Castration-Mobile-Vehicle"! Emergency calls keep coming in, especially from rural areas and up in the mountains. Many people there have little money & possibilities. For them, the way to Baile Herculane is half a world trip and they would never be able to come to our shelter for a free castration campaign. They would love to castrate their animals, but the journey with the animal to the vet simply cannot be made possible. In addition, there are many free-roaming dogs up there in the mountains, all of which are not neutered and continue to multiply year after year. With the Castration-Mobile-Vehicle we are self-sufficient and our veterinary team is mobile. We can travel to the villages and offer our free help - for owner dogs, but also for the free-roaming street dogs of the region. Mishu (Shelter Manager) is already talking to some of the mayors in the region to make them aware of this innovation. If dramatic emergencies are found during such missions, they can be taken to our shelter. All other dogs that are fit stay there and are allowed to live their free lives there. ProDogRomania e.V. will finance the complete vehicle and of course we need your help! The vehicle has already been found, the papers are ready and it will be brought to Romania as soon as possible! We hope that you are as happy about this news as we are and that you recognise the necessity and importance of this project. We appreciate your support and are very excited to see how our new project will develop! Thank you very much for your support!
India Covid-19 Emergency Relief Fund
0 nonprofits
India Covid-19 Emergency Relief Fund
COVID-19 cases are surging in India, where health centers are overwhelmed with the demand for care. They need oxygen and vaccines. They also need clean water. Help us save lives. Help us get water to critical points of care so that frontline staff can care for patients safely and those suffering are assured the most basic tenets of care. Health centers require running water to maintain basic hygiene, keep patients hydrated and ensure doctors and nurses are able to wash hands between patients. That's where you come in. Make an emergency donation to support Covid-19 humanitarian aid. $1,000 can help prevent the spread of Covid-19 by keeping the water flowing in rural communities and health centers during India's dry season. $500 can build mobile handwashing stations, bringing hygiene to vulnerable communities so that people can wash hands on the go. $250 could provide health centers with emergency handwashing stations and toilets so that frontline health staff can protect themselves and their patients. $75 can get urgent hygiene messaging to vulnerable populations in dozens of languages to safeguard public health. We are monitoring the Covid-19 crisis closely in numerous countries and will launch rapid response efforts where needed. With India's dry season fast approaching, the situation will rapidly become more dire, and emergency water supplies will be needed. Your emergency donation will help WaterAid reach people in India with life-saving clean water and hygiene programs to combat the spread of Covid-19. Why WaterAid? Since 1981, WaterAid has reached 26.4 million people with clean water and 26.3 million with decent toilets. We have been water, sanitation and hygiene experts for four decades. We believe in long-term solutions. WaterAid is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (EIN/ tax ID number 30-018-1674). Your donation will go where it is most urgently needed.
India COVID-19 Relief Fund
1 nonprofit
India COVID-19 Relief Fund
Summary India is grappling with a deadly COVID-19 outbreak. More than 200,000 people have died due to a second coronavirus surge in India and hundreds of thousands of people are infected each day. Many are unable to get the medical help they need. Donations to this fund will help treat patients and slow the spread of COVID-19 in India. Challenge More resources are needed now to respond to the outbreak in India, which has stretched the country's healthcare system to its limit. There is not enough space in hospitals to help everyone in need, and life-saving supplies, such as oxygen and ventilators, are in short supply. Thousands of people are at risk of being left to die without help. Solution Your donation to this fund will help stop the virus's spread in India and give communities on the front lines of this crisis the resources they need to act quickly and protect the most vulnerable communities. How Your Donation Will Be Used When you donate to GlobalGiving’s India COVID-19 Relief Fund, your donation will be used to: 1. Send doctors, nurses, and other front line responders to communities in need 2. Get masks, oxygen, ventilators, and other lifesaving medical supplies to hospitals and clinics 3. Deliver essential items to struggling families and older individuals in lockdown 4. Provide mental and emotional support to frontline responders others affected by the COVID-19 outbreak in India 5. Support hygiene awareness efforts 6. Make COVID-19 vaccines more accessible and affordable And much, much more... Trusted and Reliable GlobalGiving is one of the most reliable and trustworthy charities in the world. We have a four-star rating and nearly perfect score from Charity Navigator due to our commitment to transparency and low-overhead. Our disaster relief funds have been recommended by the New York Times, the Associated Press, NPR, Washington Post, Oprah, ABC News, and the US State Department. GlobalGiving’s Track Record GlobalGiving has been responding to disasters and supporting emergency aid and long-term relief programs since 2004. We have facilitated more than $100M in disaster donations to funds just like this one! See how we’ve responded to similar disasters like this, including: Ebola Epidemic Australia Wildfire South Asia Floods Impact Reports and Transparency When you donate to the India COVID-19 Relief Fund, we’ll send you an email to let you know the impact that your donation has had. We commit to transparent reporting and will update you on how we’ve used donations to this fund.