All Community created Funds

Fundraising to supply Pet Oxygen Masks to Fire Brigades in Ireland (starting in Co. Cork)
0 nonprofits
Fundraising to supply Pet Oxygen Masks to Fire Brigades in Ireland (starting in Co. Cork)
My favorite charity is the Animal Care Society Cork, it will be yours too should you ever get around to visit, their love and dedication to the animals is second to none. Besides "just" running a lot of the daily operation, Albert Kleyn (Director of the ACS) has envisioned many other projects that he'd like to run to improve animal lives all across the county and country. One of those projects was to gift sets of different sized Pet Oxygen Masks to the Cork Fire Brigade so that animals that were exposed to smoke during fires could be adequately treated. As with most charity projects, the biggest issue was funding. Although this one could actually be kick-started with an affordable amount, so I did just that in late 2020 and some of those masks were delivered and handed over in February 2021 County Cork and Ireland are a lot bigger and Fire Brigades around the County need a lot more kits than what I alone (and the VMware matching) could possibly afford. If you think this is worthy and esp. if you are or have family belonging to the ~ 60% of Irish households with pets, please donate. Thank you! Valentin P.S. If you aren't from Ireland / Cork, here is how you can set up something similar for your community: There might already be a charity close to you! Originally, the ACS would have sourced the masks from which operates in the UK, due to the back then imminent brexit we decided to opt for a more local option thought. 1. Identify the need for the local Fire Brigade Ring your local Fire Station (non emergency number!) and ask them, they will be happy to let you know whether there is need and for how many. You should calculate with 1 set per car and maybe one additional reserve per station. 2. Find a local / general animal charity to work with that is registered and eligible on and of course interested This is important because you want your contribution to be matched and it also distributes some of the organizational effort. The charity would buy the masks with the ear marked, donated funds. Make sure to donate directly to the charity and then match on brightfunds so that the directly donated money is available immediately. 3. Find a re-seller for the masks There might be more than one model but we used the Smiths Medical SKU "V7148 Family". To find a local distributor, ask their regional customer service: 4. Negotiate with the distributor It doesn't hurt to ask! Depending on how many kits you are buying (+ if the charity fronts the matched amount since it can take ~ half a year for that to be transferred), the re-seller might be willing to give a discount. Make sure to ask for the red carry bag as those are sometimes not included with the kit, you might also want to add a slip lead per pack. Also mention the purpose, that the masks will be procured by a charity and gifted to local fire stations. While most veterinarian resellers already operate on thin margins, they might not want to make (much) money on this. 4. Prepare the handover The charity might have some contacts here, maybe contact a local news paper and use that to generate additional funds to try to provide the wider County with mask sets :-).
Employees Powered COVID-19 2021 Relief Funds
0 nonprofits
Employees Powered COVID-19 2021 Relief Funds
As of April 24, 2021 - India has registered close to 350,000 daily detections and nearly 2800 daily deaths. AID has a presence in more than 20 states of India, 35+ US chapters, and thousands of volunteers who continuously volunteer and provide support. Your support will help provide relief across India. The support will reach from the Rann of Kutch to the Gangetic planes and from the Himalayas to the coastal Andhra. Even to North East India. We are collaborating with National Rural Health Mission, Maharashtra, to help them procure Oxygen Generation Plants and Concentrators. This time, the COVID 19 virus has spread to remote locations in India, and apart from hunger-related issues, we have the additional health care calamity. There is a shortage of Oxygen generation plants and Oxygen Concentrators. So on top of our efforts to procure these facilities, it is essential to protect the most vulnerable population in India. Our immediate task is to ensure: 1) Healthcare helplines across India 2) Reduce misinformation and awareness campaigns across India, especially the importance of Vaccination 3) Ration Kit for the Needy 4) PPE Kit distribution to the front line health care workers and supporters 5) Support to another anticipated wave of migrant workers across India 6) Fair access to Oxygen supplies and medication 7) Oxygen concentrators procurement and purchase to the most vulnerable locations 8) Small Oxygen generation plants at public hospitals 9) Plasma donation appeal and drive 10) Long-term livelihood projects to support income generation for vulnerable populations 11) Advocacy with the village level Panchayats, Corporations, and local government. We will update more as we get more information from the ground.
2021 Juneteenth Fund
6 nonprofits
2021 Juneteenth Fund
On June 19, 1865 -- a full two and a half years after the Emancipation Proclamation was issued -- news of the end of slavery finally reached Texas. Since then, Juneteenth, also known as Jubilee Day, Liberation Day, and Emancipation Day, has become a time to recognize and celebrate the culture, contributions, and achievements of African Americans. Early celebrations often served a dual purpose as political rallies to give voting instructions to newly freed enslaved peoples. However, in the early 20th century, economic and political forces led to a decline in Juneteenth celebrations due to state laws and amendments being passed that disenfranchised Black people and excluded them from voting, such as the Jim Crow laws. The Civil Rights Movement re-invigorated the holiday. Last year, in the midst of several high-profile deaths of Black men at the hands of police, Juneteenth started to become more widely known and its significance particularly important. Systemic racism continues to plague the United States, and the struggle for true Black liberation continues to this day. This Juneteenth, join us in supporting organizations that continue to work on dismantling white supremacy and eliminating systemic racism. The 2021 Juneteenth Fund is composed of nonprofits with missions that address these complex, pervasive relics of oppression through education, policy, advocacy, and access to quality healthcare and other direct services.
Please donate to Banco Alimentar Contra a Fome, the Food Bank in Portugal Fund
1 nonprofit
Please donate to Banco Alimentar Contra a Fome, the Food Bank in Portugal Fund
Please donate to Banco Alimentar Contra a Fome, the Food Bank in Portugal. However small your contribution might be, it still puts food in the hands of families. I pledge to walk at least 100km in 5 days to make it to the small city of Fatima, along one of the main routes, the Tagus route and joining millions of pilgrims visiting each year. During the pandemic I have realised how fortunate many of us are. Many people are dying or getting sick, mental health issues, domestic violence, racial abuse, substance abuse, you name it. We have all suffered in different ways and our economies have all taken a hit with many people losing their jobs, people struggling to put food on the table and afford the everyday necessities in life. It’s time for us to give something back, now more than ever and it's never too late! I am so lucky to work for a company that supports corporate social responsibility by giving us time off to support community causes but also matches Cisco employee donations. Those who can should help out, however small our contribution might be, that still goes a long way. Many people in our neighborhoods not only can't pay their mortgage or their rent but also can't pay their bills or buy enough food. In an ever more unequal world we can start by helping our communities. Please join me in donating towards the Portuguese Food Bank (Banco Alimentar Contra a Fome, your help will make a difference. During the pandemic they received in excess of 80,000 requests for help, many of which from people who never asked for help before Poverty has reached new levels by also dragging the middle class into it. Here just one of many stories and article that can be easily found online I am not trained at all and I have never done this before. I gained 10kg+ during the pandemic and my back is in bits but starting on May 17th I pledge to walk at least 100km in 5 days to make it to Fatima. I will post at least one picture per day on LinkedIn with the tracking. Please donate here on BrightFund so that your donation can be matched by Cisco. Please also help me sharing this initiative 1) Internally within your team and organization in Cisco 2) Externally within your network and on social media using this link (for donors external to Cisco) and through LInkedIN Thank you in advance for your help and God bless